Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hex Roller

This is the complete model of the hex roller.  Each angle is an SMA flexible actuator which widens it's angle when activated.  When we turn on the actuators in a designated pattern, we can get the hex roller to roll from one side to the next.  All the circuit boards have their own battery and can be communicated with wirelessly.

A model of a single SMA flexible actuator.

The fully functional/locomotive hex roller.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

SMA Activated Frictionless Joint

Three different designs for a frictionless joint driven by SMA linear actuators.  The top and bottom white parts are connected with 3 strips of rubber that curve around opposite sides so the white parts can roll back and forth on each other with virtually no friction.  When the actuator extends, it will pull the cable which is connected to the other end of the joint and will flex the joint in one way or another.

Here's two pictures of the finished product.  3D printing was done on an Objet Connex 500.